Simple Korean Style Curry Rice Recipe

If you’ve dabbled with Asian cuisine, you’re probably familiar with the soothing dish of Japanese curry rice. But did you realize there’s also a Korean version? Yes, you read that correctly! Korean curry rice is just as delicious, with a special twist that distinguishes it from its Japanese equivalent. Today, we’ll look at a simple Korean-style curry rice recipe that everyone can cook at home.

What’s the difference between Korean Curry and Japanese Curry?

Before we go into the dish, let’s talk about the differences between Korean and Japanese curry. Although both cuisines have their roots in the Indian curry introduced by the British, both Japan and Korea have altered this meal to suit their local palates over the years.

The first major distinction lies in the flavor profile. Both Korean (e.g., Ottogi) and Japanese (e.g., Vermont) curry powders commonly use soy sauce and sugar. However, Japanese curry tends to have a stronger soy sauce and sweet flavor. Additionally, ingredients like butter and tomato are prevalent in Japanese curry, while Korean curry often incorporates garlic and chili.

Another notable difference is the color. Japanese curry is closer to brown than yellow, with caramel coloring and soy sauce darkening the curry, and a hint of red from paprika and tomato. In contrast, Korean curry displays the pure yellow of turmeric. Beyond these differences, Japanese curry generally tends to be slightly sweeter and thicker, often using ingredients like apples and honey. On the other hand, Korean curry leans more towards the spicy side, often infused with local spices and flavors.

Korean Curry Rice Recipe

for 3 servings


  • 1 onion, sliced
  • 3 tomatoes
  • Ground beef (amount as per preference)
  • 1 cup of milk
  • A slice of butter
  • Curry roux or powder (as per taste)


  1. In a thick stainless pot, spread the sliced onions evenly to cover the base.
  2. Place the three tomatoes on top of the onions.
  3. Layer the ground beef on top of the tomatoes.
  4. Place three blocks of curry (enough for 3 servings) on top of the beef.
  5. Cover the pot with its lid and let it simmer over the lowest heat setting (this is crucial) for 30 minutes.
  6. After 30 minutes, remove the lid and mix the ingredients well, mashing the tomatoes as you do.
  7. Pour in 1 cup of milk and add the slice of butter. Stir the ingredients well until everything is well combined.
  8. Mix the curry blocks until they are completely dissolved and combined with the rest of the ingredients. Simmer for another 10-15 minutes or until the curry thickens to your desired consistency.
  9. Serve hot with a bowl of steamed rice.
korean curry recipe

That’s it: a simple and delicious Korean curry rice recipe to warm your heart and spirit. The rich tastes of the onions, tomatoes, and beef combine well with the spiciness of the Korean curry, yielding a dish that is sure to please!

So, the next time you’re looking for a new recipe, give this Korean curry rice a try. Whether you’re a fan of Korean curry or are just discovering it, this dish will not disappoint.

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