Gyeran Bap (Korean Egg Rice Bowl) Recipe

Korean food has traditionally been associated with flavor, health, and tradition. Among its many culinary gems, the Gyeran Bap, or Korean egg rice bowl, has been a comforting constant for Koreans. It is not just a mainstay for many Korean households, often consumed as a quick and easy meal during breakfast or lunch along with Korean marinated eggs (Mayak eggs), but it has also traditionally had enormous popularity inside Korea. However, after being covered in The New York Times, its popularity skyrocketed, establishing it as a global sensation, particularly as a sought-after Korean egg rice breakfast.

What is Gyeran Bap?

When split down, Gyeran Bap means “egg” (Gyeran) and “rice” (Bap). It consists mostly of rice topped or mixed with eggs, as the name implies. However, there is more to it than meets the eye. Each component adds its own complexity, resulting in a delicious symphony.

The Classic Recipe: How to Make the Perfect Korean Egg Rice Bowl

servings: 1 person


  • Cooked short grain rice – 1.3 cups (7.4 oz)
  • Eggs – 2 (you can adjust as per preference)
  • Toasted sesame oil or Butter – 1/2 tsp
  • Soy sauce – 1.5 tsp
  • Salt – a pinch
  • Cooking oil
  • Toasted sesame seeds for garnishing


  1. In a heated pan, drizzle some cooking oil and fry the eggs. While frying, add a pinch of salt. (You can choose sunny-side up or over-easy based on your preference).
  2. On the cooked rice, add 1.5 tsp of soy sauce and 1/2 tsp of toasted sesame oil.
    Alternatively, you can use the same amount of butter instead of sesame oil.
  3. Place the two fried eggs on top.
  4. Sprinkle with whole sesame seeds as a garnish.
  5. Mix everything together and enjoy!

Nutritional Insights: Is Gyeran Bap Healthy?

One of the most frequently asked questions regarding Korean cuisine is concerning its health advantages. The Korean egg rice dish is quite healthful given its simple ingredients. This is why:

Rice is an excellent source of energy.
Eggs contain high levels of protein, vitamins, and vital amino acids.
Sesame oil is high in antioxidants and adds a nutty flavor to the dish.

While it is a well-balanced dish, moderation is essential. It’s usually ideal to use a specialist meal calculator to get exact calories and nutritional information, especially if you’re tracking your intake.

Last Thoughts

Gyeran Bap is sure to fill your heart and belly, whether you’re starting your day with a Korean egg rice breakfast or winding down with a warm bowl of comfort. It’s proof that sometimes the simplest dishes may bring the most joy.
I guarantee that the Gyeran Bap will become a mainstay in your culinary arsenal, whether you’re a seasoned aficionado of Korean foods or a newcomer. So, the next time you crave a big bowl of comfort, you know what to make. And don’t forget to check out our blog for more delectable recipes and thoughts!

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